Fatiga Relacionada Con El Cáncer: Síndrome, No Síntoma

La fatiga es el síntoma más frecuentemente reportado por individuos con cáncer. Sin embargo, la fatiga relacionada con el cáncer (CRF, por sus siglas en inglés)  es muy diferente de la fatiga diaria. Escuche a Alicia y Lizette de La Sociedad de Lucha Contra la Leucemia y el Linfoma (LLS, por sus siglas en inglés) hablar con la trabajadora social médica jubilada y líder de trabajo social de oncología, Patrice Al-Shatti, MSW, LMSW. Patrice desarrolló los primeros materiales educativos para el paciente, evaluaciones y programación sobre el tema del Síndrome de Fatiga relacionada con el cáncer para Mayo Clinic. Ella comparte cómo llamar a la fatiga relacionada con el cáncer un síntoma lo perjudica, ya que en realidad se considera un síndrome. Explica la diferencia entre la fatiga y la fatiga relacionada con el cáncer, los diversos factores fisiológicos y biológicos y las estrategias útiles conocidas para mejorar la calidad de vida. Patrice también analiza la conservación de la energía y la gestión de actividades y cómo impulsar, planificar, priorizar y tratar activamente las “fugas de energía”.

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  1. Great podcast. While my sleep habits are good and I do discuss fatigue and quality of life issues with my doctor, everything else was spot on. I’ve become quite concerned about muscle loss, weight loss, etc., and couldn’t imagine exercising. I believe the fatigue affects my ability to be a safe driver, so I don’t go out in the evenings — even when someone else volunteers to drive. I plan to change that, and look into the PT assessment, while beginning a super easy walking regimen. Thank you!!

  2. I am so grateful for this podcast. I am a sufferer of chronic fatigue who took several naps daily and had stopped exercising because I couldn’t complete my usual routines. You have given me the motivation I needed to change those bad habits. (I didn’t even know that they were bad habits) Thank you again for this timely talk. Your suggestions will definitely be put into use.

    1. Hi Carmen, thank you so much for listening! Patrice shared such great information to help patients address their cancer-related fatigue (CRF). We also have a free booklet about CRF on our website @ http://www.LLS.org/booklets. Be selecting ‘Support’ under ‘Filter By Topic’, you’ll be able to download or order the booklet there.

  3. Thank you for recognizing fatigue as a common feature in cancer treatment! My doctor doesn’t seem to think fatigue is normal. He offered me an antidepressant. But I’m not depressed, just tired. Great suggestions for dealing with it. Thanks.

    1. Hi Victor, cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is so important to address. CRF interferes with mood and outlook, ability to fulfill daily responsibilities, and enjoyment of life. We are thrilled to hear that you found the suggestions on this episode to be useful. Thank you for listening!

  4. Chronic Fatigue has become a real issue lately when I mention it to my MDAnderson Dr she just adds to her notes with no suggestions.
    I’ll bring this up again and tell her about this podcast.
    Thank you for speaking on this

    1. Hi Anita, we’re happy to hear that this episode has motivated you to bring up this topic again with your doctor. It’s very important to have this conversation and to feel heard. We’d also recommend calling one of our Information Specialists @ (800) 955-4572, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET and ask about our free publication about cancer-related fatigue. Thank you for listening!

  5. Thanks so much for this info. I was stunned to read your PDF on this – and related to it 100%. My care providers including oncologist and oncology nurse as well as primary care are CLUELESS about this. Everytime I bring the fatigue up my team says “well you had a really powerful medicine” but never provide any help. My primary care said I was in “perfect health” at a team metting. Wow!

    I have a disability hearing coming up and plan to talk about CRS. I already had CF going into the lymphoma and the CRS on top is debillating. Your handout explained EXACTLY what has been going on with me — a lightbulb. I do have all the symptoms. The problem is getting a doctor to say I have this. I have been in therapy for a year for depression. Lost quality of life. I had chemo July 2016 and am still exhausted. What has helped was focusing on nutrients. Made a big difference.

    Your paper on physical therapy was very helpful as well but I was prescribed that for scioliosis and not for CRS!

    Thanks so much for doing this research. So appreciated!

    1. Hi Colleen, thank you so much for listening. We are pleased to hear that you found our resources to be helpful. Regular exercise, good nutrition, psychological support, stress management and other lifestyle changes can help boost energy levels and the ability to cope with fatigue. We are happy to hear that nutrition made a big difference for you. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society offers a free one-on-one consultation with a registered dietitian with expertise in oncology nutrition. For more information, you can call one of our Information Specialists at 800-955-4572, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET or email infocenter@lls.org.

  6. Thank you so much for this information. I’m on my 4th year with CLL. I’m starting to have symptoms, not sleeping well or not at all. Sudden weakness it comes and goes, where ever I am I just do some positive self talk telling myself I can finish shopping or I can drive home. Its so good to hear I’m not alone and this is actually a part of this diagnosis.

    1. Hi Dee, thank you so much for listening. We are happy to hear that you are able to get through those moments of fatigue with positive self talk. You are certainly not alone in feeling this way. Patrice shared great steps that patients can take to ease their fatigue. Sending you our best!

  7. This podcast is invaluable. I recognized myself in many of the comments and now I think I may have a way out of my own personal inertia. I think this podcast would be extremely valuable to any cancer patient dealing with fatigue. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Thanks so much for your comment and for listening to our podcast. Be sure to visit http://www.LLS.org/booklets for our free fact sheet about cancer-related fatigue.

      We hope you’ll subscribe to ensure that you do not miss an episode. 🙂

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