How New Therapies Are Changing The Future of Myeloma

Nishi Shah, MD, MBBS

Remarkable progress has been made in the treatment of myeloma over the past decade, giving patients and families much hope for the future. In this episode, we speak to Dr. Nishi Shah of Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center in New York City. While the wide variety of therapies available to patients are discussed, this episode also focuses on the newest, cutting-edge therapies for myeloma, such as CAR T-cell therapy and bispecific antibodies.  

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Support for this episode provided by: AbbVie Inc.; Genentech, Inc. & Biogen; and Johnson & Johnson.


  1. Very informative, I’m glad I chose to view it.
    I’m a fairly new Waldenstrom patient, but see a lot of similarities within the Multiple Myeloma area.
    Thank you for offering this.

  2. Thank you. This is one of the most concise explanations that I have heard to date. I was diagnosed 4/2023 and I have hope!

  3. As a MM survivor this podcast gave me great helped; updated me on latest therapies and directed me towards clearer line of conversation with my Oncologist at our next mtg

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