Mental Health and Myeloma: A Story of Resilience

Damion Davis

Join us as we speak to Damion Davis, a myeloma patient and licensed professional counselor. In this episode, Damion talks about his myeloma diagnosis and how he reached remission after a stem cell transplant. Dealing with the difficulty of a cancer diagnosis as a husband and father of young daughters, Damion knew the benefits that therapy would provide for him and his family. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, we share his story of resilience, highlighting the importance of mental health care for cancer patients and their families. 

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Support for this episode provided by Genentech, Inc & Biogen; GlaxoSmithKline; and Janssen Oncology.


  1. This is a great learning experience, very easy to understand. The discussions/presentation is perfect.

  2. Nice to hear others and there experiences which are so familiar. I have multiple myeloma and had a stem cell transplant on October 1, 2021. I am still recovering and have stamina issues. Very fatigued most of the time and on Revlimid 25mg plus a chemo injection of Darzalex Faspro once a week. Doing well other than that.

  3. as a MDS patient having had a bone marrow transplant i found this enlightening. the mental aspect of treatment is the one thing lacking in my treatment. we had to move to Portland Oregon 300 miles from home for most of my treatment. we made 27 trips to Portland in 2 years including renting a house for 5 months in the worst of Covid. I was asked if i wanted to speak to people for help with my mental outlook and i always answered yes. i also checked i wanted counseling on all my hospital surveys and questionnaires.although i feel i received the absolute finest medical care possible and am still receiving it i have never yet heard about any counseling and i still bring up this subject to my current doctors. no word yet.

  4. Excellent moderator and Damien was spot on.
    So positive. Very realistic and descriptive of what he went through and how he handled it.

    I cannot believe someone didn’t have the conversation about the CHEMO side effects and possible remedies. Can the LLS put out a sheet on that subject?

    Also what you should ask specifically about what they will give you with Chemo such as fluids, Anti nausea meds etc??? I am terrified of treatment and think that I am just going to fall through the cracks without getting everything I need. How can you ask if you do not know what you will need and what is available???

    It was a crime that Damien had to suffer until he saw his Dr at his next appt.

    Such a talented speaker!

    Thank you for the mental health tips too!
    Thank you!!!

    1. Hi Bestey,

      Thank you for listening and we hope this helped you. We encourage you to check out our resources on your disease here: You can also call and speak to our Information Specialists at 1-800-955-4572. They can make sure that you have all the resources you need about your treatment and cancer.

      For more mental health resources, we highly encourage you to visit here: for many tips to guide you through the mental health aspect of cancer.

  5. Awesome episode! As a myeloma survivor, I can relate to your story. Thank you for sharing Damien’s story.

  6. Thank you for all you shared. It’s so helpful to hear other people’s journey with cancer. I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in July 2021. Have been in treatment & responding well. I have not considered seeing a therapist, since like Damien I am the one who likes to be the giver. I have had great support from family & my church family. I realize now the importance of expressing the medical & mental aspects of fighting cancer.

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