Beyond the Transplant: Navigating Graft-vs-Host Disease (GVHD)

Alison Loren, MD

A stem cell transplant for blood cancer is just the beginning – what may come next for the patient can be a complex journey. In this episode, Dr. Alison Loren of the University of Pennsylvania discusses graft-vs-host disease (GVHD), a possible complication of transplantation – exploring the latest advancements in treatment and how patients and caregivers can navigate the challenges ahead.

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  1. i am now in my eight month after my transplant in May 2024. I feel fine, but listened to this podcast to see what is new now. It was very informative and left me feeling confident. As Dr.Loren said. ” i have put my Myeloma in the rear view mirror and am moving forward”. Thanks for inviting me.

  2. Very helpful and informative. My daughter received her allogeneic stem cell transplant a year ago and has experienced GVHD. She is doing well now and her “numbers” continue to improve.
    We regularly support NMDB and urge all of our contacts to submit their swabs to be placed on the registry.
    Dr. Loren made mention of the value of collection of umbilical cord blood. Is there information or any organization that we can direct friends/family who are expecting in order to urge them to collect/save umbilical cord blood ?

  3. Chronic GVHD was caught late. Know what GVHD looks like early on and let your doctors know asap. My eyes cannot be fixed, my genitalia is scarred and surgery when I’m healthy enough. My first SCT included the Orca T trial to prevent GVHD. I relapsed two months later. Second transplant, same donor and no relapse since 5/15/23. Apherisis has helped along with Jakafi.

  4. Thank you for understanding. I am just starting my journey with a bmt. I have primary mylofibrosis. Started in 2008 and diagnosed in 2011 and have been on jakifi since, now the jakifi is no longer working so now my only chance is having this bone marrow transplant.

  5. Wonderful episode with a huge amount of directly applicable information. I am at day +123 from an allogeneic stem cell transplant and have, to date, been so blessed to have tolerated the treatment extremely well with no symptoms of GVHD. I found the information presented extremely valuable and understandable. My transplant oncologist prepared me very well for the program, but Dr. Loren reenforced and expanded on some elements of the program that were very helpful. Thank you so much for this wonderful resource and please thank Dr. Loren for me.

  6. Thank you for this podcast. I have MDS/MPN with Myelofibrosis 3. My Dr. is sending me to meet my transplant team 5 hours away by car.

    It was great to hear real talk about what to expect. I’m afraid of the process and love the idea of a medical/chronic disease therapist. I think that would help a lot.

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