Patient-Doctor Perspectives: Groundbreaking Research in CML

Join us in this next installment of our series, Patient-Doctor Perspectives, where we explore a diagnosis from the view of a patient and doctor. To celebrate the 100th episode of The Bloodline with LLS, we will be speaking with Mel Mann, a chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) survivor and Dr. Brian Druker, a physician researcher at Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU). 

Mel shares how Dr. Druker’s research saved his life with the drug, Gleevec®, and we get to hear his inspirational message of how one person can make a difference. Dr. Druker discusses this revolutionary therapy, how it transformed the lives of CML patients like Mel, and how targeted treatments are continuing to transform how we treat cancer. 

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Support for this episode provided by Pfizer.


  1. I am so thankful for LLS! This story gives me HOPE! I’m coming up on one year with the CML diagnosis. I have no words to explain how much this has helped me. Thank you all!!

  2. Great podcast Dr. Druker and Mel Mann! I am a 6 year survivor, on Gleevec the whole time. I am also undetectable and expecting a great future, thank to the perseverance of people like you!

    On Gleevec, DR Druker and Mel.

    Remembering the Panic I had after being diagnosed with CML…….and the Fantastic Journey with Gleevec, LLS , 16Ys Later…..Listening to This Podcast, just added to my AMAZEMENT OF HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE YOU , DR DRUKER!


  4. I’m thankful for the persons who do this podcast and more for the doctor and patient who give me hope to have my son more than 32 years around us. He just started with the medication after another. Listening your testimonies just make me less worried.

  5. Dr. Druker is my hero-he truly saved my life. In 2013, I was so sick with a white blood cell count of 229,000, and I didn’t know what my future would hold. But thanks to his groundbreaking work in developing Gleevec, my white count dropped to 5,000 within the first week of diagnosis.
    I’m forever grateful for the second chance at life that his research and dedication have given me!

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